News Flash archives from 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999
1/6/98 Added more fan mail.
1/23/98 Pamelyn pictures can be found in the February-March issue of The Communicator, the magazine of the Star Trek fan club, available at your local bookstore. It supposedly contains several previously unpublished photographs from the filming of the original series "And the children shall lead them" episode.
3/23/98 Added new publicity photo, appearance info. The most common fan question so far - what color is her hair? Pam said, "My hair is naturally light brown with lots of red in it. That's the color it is now, but who knows what it'll be next week!" Pamelyn's signed with an agent for theatrical work, and hopes to find a voice-over agent, too.
According to the VP of the Official Jeri Lynn Ryan Fan Club, [Are these guys nuts? Web pages about actresses? Vice-Presidents?] Pamelyn will be making another appearance at an upcoming Star Trek "Grand Slam VI" in Pasadena, CA, April 3 to 5, where you can pay hundreds of dollars to sit close to the stage to hear all four Captains talk and sign autographs. I presume Pamelyn will be signing, too, at a much lower price.
I'm trying to get permission to add the Communicator pictures to the site.
4/16/98 Added more fan mail, and image of Cathy Silvers.
6/4/98 Added McDougal image. Noticed temporary switch of this page and the Jefferson Computer Museum index.html files. Sorry about the mix-up. If anyone took pictures of Pamelyn at these Trek conventions, please scan and send them along so I can add them to this page.
6/8/98 Added CNN image.